Nimbus Note is powerful note-taker and organizer for Android. Nimbus Note allows gathering all the necessary information in one place, which means you will not need to spend a lot of time searching for it. Create text, photo audio and video notes, make TODO lists and synchronize it all with Nimbus Note for further viewing and editing on other devices.
Main features:
- Capture all your ideas with photo and text notes;
- Record audio and video notes;
- Add photo, images, audio and video to notes;
- Create checklists;
- Offline access to your notes;
- Time reminders;
- Location reminders;
- Phone number reminders;
- Light and Dark themes;
- Use tags to label so that you can find your notes easily;
- Subfolder support;
- Create your TODO list for every note;
- Protect your notes with lock screen;
- Search notes;
- Specify a location for every note on map;
- Widgets;
- Share notes VIA email, twitter, facebook;
- Sync notes across any mobile devices and
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A few examples of how you can use Nimbus Note:
- Are you a businessman whose every minute is planned days ahead? Even working at such a pace you can always keep tabs on things. Nimbus will help you avoid forgetting the important while remembering the useful and sharing your notes conveniently with colleagues and business partners.
- Are you a student doing thesis research? When there is too much information to process, it's quite a painstaking process, and it's quite difficult not to get overwhelmed. Nimbus will help you keep the most important information readily available, organize the data, as well as remember about all and any important events at every stage of your research.
- Are you a writer finding it hard to part with a laptop? Nimbus will help you make sure not a single thought goes unrecorded and take notes whenever convenient no matter where you are. You no longer have to worry about misplacing that information, because it's all stored in a secure place, on a drive that's always available.
How do I view images in full size?
You need to uncheck the Fit screen size. Then you will be able to zoom in and out on text or images with the help of two fingers.
How do I zoom in or out?
Nimbus Note has the standard two-finger zooming.
What does "Fit screen size" stand for in note settings?
"Fit screen size"' means the contents of a note are displayed as a single column, which is more convenient when a mobile device is used for viewing. There may be cases when you need to view a note the way it is on the site or just view it in full size. Then all you need to do is uncheck the 'Fit screen size' mode.